
2007年5月16日—Googleisundertakingthemostradicalchangetoitssearchresultsever,introducingaUniversalSearchsystemthatwillblendlistings ...,2007年6月1日—其中特色包括:查詢結果可選擇以資料年代順序瀏覽(timelineviews)或相關地區圖示(mapviews)、查詢結果畫面的左/右邊欄有導航(提示)選項(Left-hand ...,2020年5月27日—“Universalsearchistheabilitytosearchallcontentacrossmultipledatabasesthroughasinglesearchbox....

Google Launches "Universal Search" & Blended Results

2007年5月16日 — Google is undertaking the most radical change to its search results ever, introducing a Universal Search system that will blend listings ...

Google的全域搜尋(Universal Search)

2007年6月1日 — 其中特色包括:查詢結果可選擇以資料年代順序瀏覽(timeline views)或相關地區圖示(map views)、查詢結果畫面的左/右邊欄有導航(提示)選項(Left-hand ...

How Universal Search Works

2020年5月27日 — “Universal search is the ability to search all content across multiple databases through a single search box. Although content sources might ...

Taking advantage of universal search

Our goal with universal search is to provide most relevant and useful results, so for those of you who want to connect to visitors via search, our best advice ...

Universal Search

Search is on the home page of every streaming video device including Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, Google TV, Samsung, LG, VIZIO and many more; Each search drives ...

Universal Search - Ryte Wiki

Universal search (also called blended search) is a term from search engine optimization, which refers to generic search. For a so-called universal search, ...

Universal Search

Universal Search 提供全域搜尋功能,協助您深入搜尋Synology NAS 內的各種應用程式及檔案。透過此套件為資料夾建立索引後,即可依照檔案名稱及檔案內容進行深入搜尋。所有 ...

Universal Search - 加值套件

Synology Universal Search 是Synology NAS 的強大搜尋工具,可在相片與筆記中找到符合的項目。您亦可建立資料夾索引,讓搜尋檔案名稱或內容的結果更加精確。

What is Universal Search

The term “Universal Search” covers results from areas such as News, Images, Maps, Video, and Shopping, now implemented in the organic search results and can be ...